The best thing about 'Crimson Peak' are the production values, which are just gorgeous (a vast majority of them anyhow). 'Crimson Peak' is not an awful film, it's just that it is frustratingly uneven considering the talent in front of and behind the camera and how with the right execution the story and the combination of supernatural horror and Gothic melodrama/romance (the latter of which the film essentially is, despite being advertised misleadingly) could have been really intriguing. Unfortunately, this great potential is not entirely lived up to.
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'Crimson Peak' had a lot going for it, with a talented director and, while this reviewer is not a huge fan of Mia Wasikowska, two talented actors in Tom Hiddleston and Jessica Chastain, plus the story had great potential. Well worth seeing and a surprisingly good film. Do not, for the love of God, let kids watch this film!!!! But if you can handle the gore, it's a wonderfully surprising film with many original story elements. And, like a typical del Toro film is it NOT for the faint of is very bloody, visceral and kind of gross. The dead, while scary and menacing, are not necessarily malevolent. This film is pretty typical of some of del Toro's other films, such as "The Devil's Backbone". Why and what's next? You'll just have to see this film. While very scary, she is able to communicate with these spirits.and one of them is trying to get her to leave this awful house. It seems that Mia has supernatural abilities and can see the dead on occasion. There Sharpe and his creepier sister, Lucille (Jessica Chastain), live.and Mia immediately starts getting creepy vibes. Sharpe's home is a creepy old mansion-definitely the stuff of nightmare fodder. Next, the sweet young Mia is married and heading to Britain with her new husband, Sharpe. The father definitely is NOT pleased and learns something damning about Sharpe but before he can act he's brutally murdered. However, there is definitely much more to this weirdo and the audience is definitely on to him.but the industrialist he's come to see has a young daughter and Mia (Mia Wasikowska) is very taken by Sharpe and his attentions. When the film begins, Thomas Sharpe (Tom Hiddleston), a charming but creepy guy, arrives in the States to try to get money for a bizarro project (the weakest aspect of an otherwise great film). It's a terrific horror film from Guillermo del Toro.yet it flopped at the box office and there are a lot of rather nasty (possibly hateful) reviews here on IMDb.